четверг, декабря 15, 2005

Porn, Icons and Plush Toys

I’ll get to the title in a second.

First: Matt is gone. He left for Almaty this afternoon. It was sad to not have him waiting for us at home after classes today. He’s gonna buck for pastor pretty soon it sounds like. I’d like to follow him, but it’ll be a while yet.

Second: I saw a Kazakh “riverdance” team last Saturday. Shoot, it's already been a week. I almost fell out of my cold but very comfortable chair when the lead guy came out. Not only did he look like John Belucci (circa Animal House) with his gut, curly dark hair and receding hairline, he also was wearing tizzight leather pants and a huge "celtic" belt thingy that would have put the heavyweight boxing belt to shame. I wasn't a big fan of the tap version of Swan Lake, but the rest was pretty fun. Nothing like seeing a bunch of Asians dance like the Irish, that's what I always say.

Third: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe continues in earnest. My students are to have read up to chapter 15 by monday, so we're almost finished. I'm really enjoying teaching a "literature" class. Also, I'm really enjoying "quoting" things tonight. Wonder what the deal is.

So, about the porn. I was riding the bus just the other day when I noticed my bus driver had decorated the front a bit more lavishly than usual. Not only was there a giant calendar featuring dogs eating hot dogs (wierd), a stuffed monkey on a swing hanging from the mirror, there was also a row of three icons (Jesus, Mary and some other guy with a beard) next to a big naked Pamela Anderson.

God bless 'em, one and all... or however that goes.