суббота, марта 04, 2006

Where have all the cowboys gone?

As much as I love country music, I've always thought this song had it right. Ok, so I don't really know the song, but I like the title. That's what I'm getting at. The current state of manhood in the church blows like the north wind.

I was going to write a diatribe (a term only loosely understood by the author) about how boys need to man up and all that. I was going to get very angry and bombastic and scare some spine into the boys who don't read this. But, I have a fever and a head-cold and playing with the cat pretty much wiped me out today.

I just want to point out the connection between lust and the lack of Godly men in the Church. It's no secret pornography (I know 'porn' is a cuter name for it but I'm trying to be a hrad-ass here.) is a bigger business than professional baseball, football, basketball and hockey combined. What keeps satelite TV alive? It's not Sesame Street reruns or 20 cooking channels. Think of all the men who love sports. Then, think of the men who have peniss (huh, never had to make that plural before) and eyes. That's about how many men (in America, at least) have a problem with lust.

Our collective inabilty and unwillingness to even TOUCH the issue of sexuality is appalling. The sheer volume of bad advice is almost as sickening. The number of men in bondage is the worst of all. It's destroying us.

Lust may be the #1 reason why women who go to the mission field abroad are virtually taking a vow of chastity. Lust may be the #1 reason for a largely effeminte American church. Lust may be the #1 reason divorce is so damnably high. Lust may be the #1 reason why women feel like they have to chase down, fight off or swear off men. The only men with initiative are Godless creeps.

I am not heaping shame a guilt on the heads of those still in bondage. I've experienced enough of that myself. Most men are convinced they are the single worst sinner of all time, no will understand and that this is something they will have to live with for the rest of their lives.

LIES, LIES and more LIES!

The problem is the shortage of free men. And yes, it is a gazillion times easier to sit in my Karaganda apartment and point and scream at the problem like a baboon in heat. The solution is Jesus. We all learned that in Sunday school. If you're not in Karaganda and you're tired of being a slave to lust find a Godly man who can teach you what being God's man really means. I can help you find one--especially if you're in the sates of Washington, New York, Ohio or Minnesota. If you need help or want to hear my story, talk to me.

Don't settle for trying harder. Don't settle for anything less than freedom.