пятница, апреля 28, 2006

Guess what?

I'm "published" again. Right after some students met Heysoos for the first time, ironcally. Or incidently. Brady could tell me.

It's day #3 of my spring break--Jon, Noah and Brian are due back tomorow afternoon and Andrea and Peg will be back this weekend as well. Classes will start on Tuesday again.

Am beginning the Steps-o-Freedom with my guys as well this last month. Spiritually, I got beat down Wednesday night, but God's got me back on my feet again. Alana still loves me, even. Life is good, even if SWAT isn't the greatest movie. Enjoyable, but not great.

What's great is three weeks into the season my fantasy baseball team is not in last place!


Blogger Andrea Mates said...

hey, I used to live in Stepnoi 2 in 01-02 and taught at SBTC. Found you through relevant.

A) Hoorah for the article and your work...I can only echo some of your thoughts.

B) can you pass along Peg's email to me? I'd like to tell her I just got engaged.

C) I have some friends in the area I'd like to reconnect with and ask you if you've been in touch with them.

Can you drop me a line at bluebutton at gmail?

11:22 PM  
Anonymous Анонимный said...

I would tell you which word to use, but I'm not sure what you were trying to say. Sentence fragments are hard to understand.


7:46 AM  

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